Semester 1 Reflection


    Quality of my work
  • My actual images; In my photos I use different things, now because I'm new I don't use the really cool things like everyone els because I'm new here. I don't use composition or contrast very much because I'm not really familiar with it so I really don't know what they are. I use focus for a few images but ones i haven't posted but I do use focus.
  • Quality of subject matter; I have used a few photos with my subject matter, I try to have a really good points of interest in photos as much as I can. Sometimes I don't have the best point of interest in all my photos but I try.
  • Fulfilling the assignment; I always try really hard on all my projects and to get them done and turn them in on time, when I take photos I try to have different in all my photos and to try and make them look good as possible.
  • When Klien post different assignments it takes me a while to figure out what I want to do and take a photo of because I don't like taking photos of ordinary things I like thinking outside the box.
  • Completing work on time; I try hard to turn things in on time, there are some assignments I turned on time and they are some that I haven't even turned in. When I take photos is me trying to get the perfect picture and try to make it as unique as possible.
  • Going beyond my first ideas; I always start off with my first ideas and then I go to another extent and try to find other things for this assignment and take many photos as possible and then I look through them all and find the best or my favorites. A lot of the time its the photos that were my second ideas.

  •  Actively taking photos; When I take photos its a least almost 100 because i put actual effort in my photos and find the perfect age or lighting spot. I like to take photos of different things and a bunch of other stuff and go through my favorites.
  • Yes I do look for the most convenient subjects and locations and solution because i like finding the right things and locations. I go all out on photo projects.
  • I put almost a lot of effort because i actually want good grades and have a actual good photo instead of a photo of a water bottle and make the photo look like I didn't even try.
  • I shoot way more than required because i like to have the best photo. I still have some photos i took for this class because I actually put a lot of time and effort in because I try to make things perfect for good grades.
  • When I take pictures I go all out so if its difficult I find different ways to make it look good. If I gotta climb a tree or climb a ladder I will do so.
  • No I do not give up. unless its a photo that i don't think is worth it and won't look really good, but I make sure to try because it could end up really pretty.
  • I take lost of risks for one photo, I am pretty creative too. 
  • Yes I think I have a positive attitude to all my work because I try not to take pictures of boring ordinary things.


  • On time to class; Yes I am always on time to class unless I skip the school day or I'm helping a teach. I am very positive to school so I am on time everywhere
  • Work throughout the block; Most the time I do, I have ADHD so I get caught off guard but other times I take breaks because of my ADHD and then finish my work after 5 minutes or so.
  • I always work independently because working in groups i'll ask for the answer and then I don't learn and I like to learn so I try to work independently as much as I can
  • Yes most the time i use my class time to o work, but again since i have ADHD ill take breaks or if I haven't had my coffee and I'm out of control because caffeine calms me down I get a lot done. Just like this project


  • I create my own style and take pictures of things people usually wounding take and use as many little things to help me take the photos. As a photographer to me I think I'm pretty hard working.
  • I think I have improved quite a bit, I USED to take pictures of the sky or trees and now I take pictures of many things and be creative.
  • Yes now I look to find the best lighting and angles that I did before.
  • I think I have better compelling pictures because now I try to have a focal point and try to find the point that is the best and my point in trying to make the photo look the best.
  • In my opinion I have a lot more confidence because i now take more pictures and now I'm learning to edit them and stuff to make them pop.


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